United States
Julian Assange is free

The Wikileaks co-founder reached a plea deal with the US Department of Justice which will reportedly spare him of any additional prison time

Two years since abortion rights were overturned in the US, poor women bear the brunt of restrictions

How have poor and working women been affected by the overturning of nationwide abortion rights over the past two years?

The people’s struggle will free Leonard Peltier

Peoples Dispatch speaks to Gloria La Riva, who has spent decades in the movement to free the longest-held political prisoner in the United States

Venezuela edges closer to losing CITGO as corporations submit binding offers

A total of 18 creditors are looking to collect a USD 21.3 billion combined debt, with a final sale decision expected in mid-July.

Workers in US South are organizing to demand relief from the extreme heat

Service industry workers speak out against low-wage, life-threatening work, and demand safety measures be implemented immediately

The United States is the main obstacle to peace in Palestine

The US maintains that it is Hamas that is standing in the way of a ceasefire and peace, but it is the US that continues to enable Israel to carry out genocide even after establishing “red lines”

Current and former US military personnel build a movement for Palestine within their ranks

Peoples Dispatch speaks to US veterans who are standing against their government’s complicity in genocide and organizing more to do the same

“We are going to build a better world!” Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel tells North American youth

The Cuban president had an extensive encounter with the members of the Let Cuba Live brigade about the revolution, the struggle against imperialism, and hope

The longest held political prisoner in the United States just got his first hearing in over a decade

After 47 years behind bars, Leonard Peltier’s supporters in the Indigenous movement continue to fight for his release

Healthcare workers protest AMA’s silence on genocide in Gaza

Healthcare Workers for Palestine activists protested at a recent American Medical Association meeting, condemning the association’s silence on the genocide in Palestine

Waffle House workers win major raise after months of campaigning

Waffle House workers are celebrating the announcement as a victory as a result of struggle and vow to continue fighting for 25 dollars per hour

The People’s Red Line sends a strong message to White House: stop the genocide now!

Tens of thousands formed a people’s red line for Palestine around the White House against Joe Biden administration’s active role in the genocide in Gaza.